Directed by Anna Leahy and created in the spring of 2009 at Chapman University, Tabula Poetica is a poetry initiative that celebrates all things poetry by fostering discussion on the art of poetry through an annual lecture series, poet interviews, readings, and book reviews.
Past lecture series participants include Pulitzer Prize winner Rae Armantrout, Patty Seyburn, Lynne Thompson, Allison Joseph, Allison Benis White, Karen An-hwei Lee, Kate Greenstreet, Linh Dinh, Jen Bervin, Richard Deming, and Nancy Kuhl.
Jen Bervin and Nancy Kuhl were among Tabula Poetica's first visiting poets and were interviewed by Andrew Mauzey and Michael Dinsmoor. Their interview was published by the Poetry Foundation.
The Poetry Reading Series is supported, in part, by Poets & Writers, Inc. through a grant it has received from The James Irvine Foundation.
Staff for Tabula Poetica includes Anna Leahy (Director), Logan Esdale (Coordinator), Natalie D’Auvergne (Intern), Kathy Tafolla (Intern), and Laura Silva (Web Coordinator).